Purple Monkey Dishwasher

Aug 29, 2003

So Adbusters is hawking shoes now. The $60 blackSpot sneaker (which, from the fuzzy illustration on the site, looks a hell of a lot like a ripoff of Chuck Taylors) and its half million dollar advertising campaign are intended to "uncool" Nike and "revolutionize capitalism." Ummm, last time I checked, marketing and selling stuff was just plain old capitalism. The fact that most of your advertising is aimed at bellittling a competitor's product and presenting yours as an "alternative" doesn't change that, and besides, it isn't really all that revolutionary. Adbusters hails the shoes as "the world's first anti-brand," as though Adbusters itself hasn't become just another brand for hipsters to name-drop. Oh yeah, and they're making the shoes in South Korea. Can you say "irony"?


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