Purple Monkey Dishwasher

Sep 7, 2004

The growing egomania of Michael Moore

Michael Moore announced yesterday that he will submit Fahrenheit 9/11 for Oscar consideration in the best picture category rather than best documentary. His rationale, in part, was to give other documentary filmmakers a chance at winning the Oscar. If there was any doubt that Moore is a raging egomaniac, his assumption that he would win best documentary if he entered for it is a pretty decent indication. I mean, I generally liked the movie, but it's no great piece of documentary filmmaking, and to say that its win at Cannes wasn't for political reasons is really hard to believe. That's not to say it wouldn't win if entered, but I wouldn't consider it a given. The election is in November, but the Oscars aren't until March. If Kerry wins, the impetus to vote for it as an anti-Bush political statement disappears.


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