I've got good news and bad news. The bad news is that oral sex can lead to mouth cancer. The good news is, the risk is small.
Feb 26, 2004
Feb 9, 2004
Jason Sho Green at youyesyou.net has created a brilliant gallery of bitter and mean Valentine's Day cards available for download. How I wish I had a printer. Highlights include "i think i loved you more last year," "i hope you don't have to fuck as many men this year to find true love," and "if i had a cellphone, i would program your heartbeat as my ringtone. can i come on your face now?"
An American Airlines pilot freaked out a plane full of passengers on Friday by asking Christians to identify themselves and then calling all those who didn't raise their hands crazy. American Airlines spokesman Tim Wagner said the incident "falls along the lines of a personal level of sharing that may not be appropriate for one of our employees to do while on the job." Yeah, no kidding. Considering the increasing level of screening that passengers are expected to put up with, you'd think they'd screen the pilots a little more carefully.
I finished re-reading Impossible Vacation yesterday. Sadly, there is still no sign of Spalding Gray. It's silly, but I had sort of hoped they would find him, one way or another, by the time I finished the book. Here are a couple of passages that grabbed me this time through:
"It was a cool, wet, beautiful Nordic day in June and everything was so fresh, but all at once I felt a chill creeping into my bones. I saw all the people again, all those Dutch people, and the realization crept into me, like the chill, that all of this had been going on without me: Amsterdam had been going on all this time, all this time that I was in India, all my life, and now I was just peeking in on it. Yes, all of Amsterdam - not to mention Frankfurt, Paris, Brussels, or London - had been going on without me. And no one cared whether I came or went, no one cared what I did or felt; so my newfound freedom was turning into a horror. No one even knew I was in that cab or who I was, much less how I perceived the cauliflower or the upright Dutch women on their black Mary Poppins bikes." (p.125)
"But as soon as I'd get relaxed, all the ten thousand things would start entering my head again, the temptations that came like those wild and crazy birds flying at me, all those shoulds and woulds and coulds, which started now like an infernal engine in my head: shoulda-woulda-coulda. Maybe I should go to Bali, I thought, or maybe I would or could take a train down to Greece. Maybe I should go to Ireland. Then I'd order another beer to try to quench what now seemed like endless desire spinning in my head like a giant wheel of fortune. I sat there in that overripe place of desire and expectation, poised and teetering on the edge of a life not yet lived." (p.130)
"I was beginning to be aware of how my imagination was often more vivid and exciting than the actual experiences I had in the outside world, that the essence of my life was imagining the places I was not in." (p.223)
"It was a cool, wet, beautiful Nordic day in June and everything was so fresh, but all at once I felt a chill creeping into my bones. I saw all the people again, all those Dutch people, and the realization crept into me, like the chill, that all of this had been going on without me: Amsterdam had been going on all this time, all this time that I was in India, all my life, and now I was just peeking in on it. Yes, all of Amsterdam - not to mention Frankfurt, Paris, Brussels, or London - had been going on without me. And no one cared whether I came or went, no one cared what I did or felt; so my newfound freedom was turning into a horror. No one even knew I was in that cab or who I was, much less how I perceived the cauliflower or the upright Dutch women on their black Mary Poppins bikes." (p.125)
"But as soon as I'd get relaxed, all the ten thousand things would start entering my head again, the temptations that came like those wild and crazy birds flying at me, all those shoulds and woulds and coulds, which started now like an infernal engine in my head: shoulda-woulda-coulda. Maybe I should go to Bali, I thought, or maybe I would or could take a train down to Greece. Maybe I should go to Ireland. Then I'd order another beer to try to quench what now seemed like endless desire spinning in my head like a giant wheel of fortune. I sat there in that overripe place of desire and expectation, poised and teetering on the edge of a life not yet lived." (p.130)
"I was beginning to be aware of how my imagination was often more vivid and exciting than the actual experiences I had in the outside world, that the essence of my life was imagining the places I was not in." (p.223)
Feb 3, 2004
Feb 2, 2004
It looks as though Bush has learned a few things from Paul Martin already. Got a messy problem that won't go away in an election year? Call a public inquiry. It's just like doing nothing only with Teflon coating, deflecting all criticism with brusque claims to be "looking into the matter." And even if the results of the inquiry turn out to be disastrous for your government, hey, you'll already be re-elected by that time. You'll have four years to smooth it over with voters.