Purple Monkey Dishwasher

Nov 16, 2003

It's amazing what passes for news these days. Apparently students are using the internet to cheat. Who knew?

Nov 14, 2003

If it wasn't bad enough that the US may have destroyed the fledgling Kyoto Protocol by refusing to sign on, now they may be about to undermine the well-established Montreal Protocol too. The Montreal Protocol has been working quite well for several years now, but if the US decides not to bother respecting its commitments on methyl bromide, it might be reason enough for a lot of poorer countries to ignore their own commitments. It's kind of ironic that their excuse for not ratifying Kyoto was that developing countries shouldn't receive special treatment, but now they expect special treatment under the Montreal Protocol.

Nov 13, 2003

A new study has shown that Americans are increasingly naming their children after major brands. And it doesn't sound like they're being paid by the corporations to do it. I guess people who wanted "unique" names for their children were running out of cities and states, but Del Monte? L'Oreal? Armani? Even putting aside all concerns about becoming a corporate shill, these are terrible, terrible names. You're just asking for little Canon to hate you someday. What really amazes me is that not one but two sets of parents actually named their kid ESPN.

Nov 4, 2003

Hurray for important scientific breakthroughs.

It looks like there's going to be a Starsky and Hutch reunion. Before you get too excited, they're reuniting at the Caravan and Outdoor Leisure Show in London to promote trailers. Woo.