Purple Monkey Dishwasher

Apr 22, 2006

Easter turducken

I know it's a little late for Easter-related posts, but here's a good use for all that discount Easter candy that's probably still lurking around the drugstore.

Apr 9, 2006

Bad news for ugly rich men

I meant to post this a month ago and just noticed it sitting in my drafts folder. Recent research suggests that the old stereotype that men want a hot woman and women want a rich man breaks down as women's financial independence increases. The more resource control a woman has, the more her preference shifts towards physical attractiveness over financial status.

Beluga Cam!

Beluga Cam provides a glimpse into the beluga whale tank at the Vancouver Aquarium. Don't bother checking it out outside of Vancouver's daylight hours, or all you'll see is blackness.

Apr 6, 2006

The Simpsons in the flesh

Apparently this live action version of The Simpsons opening sequence was shown in last week's episode in place of the usual opening, but only in the US. The characters don't actually look like the Simpsons, but it's amusing nonetheless.

In other Simpsons news, the long-rumoured movie has been confirmed for 2007. What are the chances it won't suck?

Apr 4, 2006

Best knitting project ever.

Real-life Super Mario Bros. game gets teens arrested

Five teenage girls in Ohio face potential criminal charges after bystanders were alarmed by boxes wrapped in gold wrapping paper with spray-painted question marks that the girls had placed around town for a live-action game of Super Mario Bros. The Portage County Hazardous Materials Unit and Bomb Detection Unit were called in to investigate the suspicious packages.

I guess kids getting to act like kids is one of the things America has to give up in the name of security. If teenagers do goofy things, the terrorists have won.

(Via Popgadget)

Purple Monkey Dishwasher returns from the dead

I know at least a couple of people noticed that my blog mysteriously vanished for a week. I have no idea what happened there. It just disappeared not only from this site, but from my Blogger account as well. Many thanks to the fine people at Blogger Support for locating it and bringing it back home.