Purple Monkey Dishwasher

Oct 31, 2005

Stallone to revive Rambo

Don't you think 59 is a little too old to be playing "action hero"?

Update: he's reviving Rocky too.

And another update: Fametracker proposes a few additional Stallone heroes worthy of emerging from well-deserved retirement.

Oct 30, 2005

Worst Halloween Cosumes of All Time

I'm sure you've all seen this before, but it's a Halloween classic. I think my favorites are the Asteroids game, Chachi, and the Leatherman from the Village People.

She's Goth To Have It

Check out this recent Archie comic in which Betty goes goth to get the gang's attention. Apparently goths are into weird stuff like reading books and drinking chai.

Baby Got Book

Here's one more for the list of Baby Got Back parodies.

Oct 28, 2005

Attitudes towards God and the weather

According to a recent Washington Post-ABC News public opinion poll on climate change and hurricanes, About one in four Americans view the recent hurricanes as deliberate acts of God, and 8 percent of those believe that God sent the storms to punish sinners. About half said the storms were intended as a warning. Interestingly, evangelical Christians were only slightly more likely than the general public to see hurricanes as acts of God or divine punishment.

A few weeks ago on the Daily Show, Stephen Colbert looked at the areas of New Orleans that were destroyed by Hurricane Katrina versus the ones that weren't. His conclusion? "If anything, the lesson is: God loves gays, but hates the gay-adjacent."

It seems that late October is a bad time to commit suicide by hanging yourself from a tree along a busy road. Why is that, you ask? Because passing motorists will mistake your corpse for a Halloween decoration and leave you hanging there for hours.

Just what the world needed...

... another New Edition reunion. How long do you think it will take them to break up again this time? I give it six months, at best.

Oct 24, 2005

Rest in peace, Porky.

Oct 21, 2005

Village People cop in trouble with the law

Victor Willis, the original cop in The Village People, faces arrest for failing to appear in court for sentencing after police found a gun and crack in his car.

Oct 20, 2005

Halloween Costumes...

...for your iPod. Yes, you read that correctly. I can't personally imagine spending $40 to dress my iPod in a tiny vampire outfit, but your opinion may vary.

Oct 10, 2005

Unicef Bombs the Smurfs

In other Smurf-related news, Unicef has created a new public education advertisement on the ravages of war, in which the Smurf village is annihilated by bombs. Perhaps the work of rival Smorfs?

See a slideshow here.

Meet Clocky

A grad student at MIT has designed Clocky, an alarm clock that rolls away and hides every time you hit the snooze button, thus forcing you to get out of bed to find it when the alarm goes off again. This brilliant idea, which ensures that people actually get out of bed and theoretically add productive hours to the workday, won this year's
Ig Nobel Prize for economics.

Oct 5, 2005

New car smell is toxic

Japanese automakers are working to reduce new car smell, thanks to research labelling it as toxic. It's not particularly surprising. New car smell is a mix of all the volatile organic compounds that leach from the plastic, paint and upholstery. If you've ever worked in a newly renovated office where they didn't off-gas the carpets properly and half the office ends up going home sick, you'll have some idea how nasty this stuff is.

Oct 1, 2005

Rest in freeze-dried peace

The Swedish town of Jonkoping hopes to pioneer a new method of treating the deceased: freeze-drying the body in liquid nitrogen and pulverizing it prior to burial.

Shining Redux

If you haven't yet seen this remixed trailer of The Shining, check it out.

Thanks to Plinky for this.