WholesomeWear: Swimwear for the new Victorian age
For those of you who think young ladies today are showing entirely too much skin (which, I realize, rules out almost all of my male friends who may be reading this), there's WholesomeWear - modest swimwear designed to "highlight the face, rather than the body". Unless you live in a fundamentalist community, it also seems designed to ensure the wearer is an object of ridicule amongst their peers, leaving them emotionally scarred for decades to come.
I'm all for teen and tween girls wearing a little more clothing than the Britney-esque fashions they're currently barely wearing, but this seems a bit too far in the Victorian direction.
I'm all for teen and tween girls wearing a little more clothing than the Britney-esque fashions they're currently barely wearing, but this seems a bit too far in the Victorian direction.