Purple Monkey Dishwasher

May 27, 2004

Plagiarist to sue university

The US has a new rival in the idiotic lawsuits category: a student at the University of Kent at Canterbury is suing the school for negligence for not warning him that plagiarising material from the internet - which he freely admits to doing - was against school regulations before they failed him. The student told the Times Higher Education Supplement, "I did plagiarise. I never dreamt it was a problem...If they had pulled me up with my first essay at the beginning and warned me of the problems and consequences, it would be fair enough. But all my essays were handed back with good marks and no one spotted it."

Plagiarism aside, I think the school could make a decent case to kick him out on the grounds of being far too stupid for university. Kid, you got caught. You had to know there was a chance it could happen. It sucks that it happened so close to graduation, but it's your own stupid fault for plagiarising in the first place. Shut up and take your punishment.

May 26, 2004

Hassle the Hoff

This must be a joke. David Hasselhoff doing a rap album, produced by Ice-T? Wasn't that one of the signs of the apocalypse?

Postmodern Pets

It's nice to know that extremely cool pet furniture actually exists. I can't say that the usual carpet and cardboard cat furniture really goes with my decor, but since I don't have $350(US) or more to spend on a scratching post, I will have to tolerate unattractive design for the time being. I do have the Koziol cat bowl though.

May 22, 2004

Urban Asshole Notification Cards

I really need to get some of these.

Penis Enlargment, Ogre Porn and Naked Rollercoasters

Here's a few items for Plinky Smorf, who wanted this blog to be sluttier.

Think you can tell the difference between real and fake breasts? Take the Silicon Challenge. I got 15 out of 20.

This blog chronicles one man's experience taking penis enlargment pills. He even made a little graph to chart his progress.

Students in Surrey, England recently set a new world record for the most naked people on a rollercoaster. I hope the park staff did a thorough cleaning afterwards.

And last but not least, there's Shrek Porn.

May 11, 2004

My first reaction to this story about the hockey bet between Ralph Klein and Arnold Schwarzenegger was surprise that Arnold even knows who Ralph Klein is. Then it occurred to me that he probably just asked his handlers to get the Governor of the state that Calgary is in on the phone. I think it's safe to say that Ralph "Why can't you homeless people get jobs?" Klein's charity of choice if he wins won't be anything poverty related.

May 9, 2004

Politics Gets Even Less Interesting

In case anyone was wondering if the Natural Law Party are still around, they are not. I guess the dream of thousands of young Canadians yogic flying on the lawn of Parliament Hill to create a psychic forcefield that protects Canada from evil died with Doug Henning. Also gone are the Rhinocerous Party and the Absolutely Absurd Party. The Cosmopolitan Party are new on the scene, but they don't seem nearly as entertaining. The Cosmopolitan candidate for Ottawa-Centre participated in an all candidates debate here recently. The main thing I got out of it was that they really like Tommy Douglas and Pierre Trudeau.

Purple Monkey Dishwasher Gets a Makeover

As you can see, things are looking a little bit different around here. If I manage to get the comments working again, let me know what you think of the new look.

May 3, 2004

Here we have PacManhattan, a live-action videogame recreation in which a guy in a PacMan costume is chased through the streets of the Washington Square Park area of Manhattan by four people in ghost costumes. It's so brilliant I'm speechless.